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This was an exploration of a rich tapestry of new and diverse data sources and tools in outcomes-based contracting. We showcased the power of the GO Lab’s SyROCCo machine learning tool to synthesise high-level ex-post data from an extensive collection of academic and grey literature and how it links to the Impact Bond Dataset offered by INDIGO; we delved into new outcome data visualisations from Life Chances Projects; and discovered groundbreaking approaches to granular data collection at the service-user level.

We had a rich discussion around how these distinct data landscapes intertwine, enabling us to ask unprecedented questions, gain project-level perspectives, redefine success assessment, and unlock transformative learning opportunities in outcomes-based contracting.

The second half of the morning featured the first Big Picture session of the day. We explored impact visualisation through the lens of the Life Chances Fund with GO Lab's Senior Data Steward, Juliana Outes Velarde. She stressed the importance of sharing data from interventions with the primary goal of facilitating collective learning. Dale Renner from Latitude Network discussed the significance of standardising metrics to drive social change. He shared how they utilise comparative data to assess the effectiveness of different service providers. Dr. Ailsa Cook of Matter of Focus shared her experiences of working in challenging contexts where measuring outcomes can be particularly difficult. She emphasised the importance of measuring both the process and the outcome of interventions. Benoit Renard drew attention to a critical issue: in certain contexts, data requirements have been used as punitive benchmarks for implementors. He challenged the audience by saying, "let's avoid using data as a punitive tool."