Authors: Mehdi Shiva, Jeffrey Matsu, Yuko Ishibashi and Franziska Rosenbach
Organisations: Government Outcomes Lab (GO Lab), Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA)
Blockchain technology has gained significant attention as a solution for collaboration and partnerships in various sectors. However, its adoption in the public sector has been hindered by technical jargon, misconceptions, and negative associations with cryptocurrencies. To address these challenges, this report provides practical guidance on applying blockchain to facilitate broader collaboration and partnerships, with a specific focus on its relevance to government and public sector bodies aiming to improve social, economic, and environmental outcomes.
This report brings a comprehensive overview of blockchain technology, highlighting its key features such as immutability, decentralisation, and programmability. These features enable the creation of decentralised networks that have the potential to:
While blockchain technology offers numerous benefits, it also has limitations that need to be considered. Immutability ensures transaction integrity but restricts the ability to modify or delete recorded transactions. Decentralisation can lead to power dynamics within the network, potentially favouring certain participants. Additionally, despite being touted as a untrustworthy technology, blockchain still relies on trust in the underlying technology and the network's participants.
To guide public managers contemplating the adoption of blockchain technologies, the report presents a decision-making framework. This framework emphasises the importance of clear objectives, appropriate governance arrangements, stakeholder engagement, and other factors crucial for successful implementation.
In conclusion, while recognising the potential benefits of blockchain technology in enhancing collaboration and partnerships, its adoption should be approached carefully. Policymakers should evaluate the technology's potential benefits, limitations, and drawbacks on a case-by-case basis, considering factors such as cost, scalability, and compatibility with existing systems. It is crucial to adopt evidence-based decision frameworks to ensure objective decision making.
Key policy implications identified in the report include: