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General overview

Stage of development: Implementation

Policy sector: Child and family welfare

Date outcomes contract signed: Sep 2020

Start date of service provision: Oct 2020

Anticipated completion date: Oct 2026

Capital raised (minimum): GBP 884.83k (USD 1.10m)

Max potential outcome payment: GBP 9.12m

Service users: 304 individuals


Intensive support to children at risk of care entry or who recently entered care to help them remain with their families where it is safe to do so, and wraparound specialist support to children in care to help them step down to suitable foster placements.

Target population

Children and Young People aged 10-17 either at risk of entering care or in the care system



  • United Kingdom

Service delivery locations

  • Nottingham
  • Nottinghamshire
  • Derby

Involved organisations

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Outcome metrics

  • Metric 1: Child/young person steps down from residential care into a familial type environment (Weeks spent out of residential care after intervention)
  • Metric 2: Stabilising foster care placements where the child/ young person would, without intervention be likely to enter residential care (Weeks spent in foster carer after intervention)
  • Metric 3: Re-unifying children/ young people who have entered care with their family/ primary carer (Weeks out of care with birth parents/ primary carers after intervention)
  • Metric 4: Preventing children/ young people on the edge of care - entering the care of the local authority (Weeks out of care with birth parents/ primary carers after intervention)


The DN2 children's services started delivering services in October 2020 and will finish in October 2026. Data was last updated in June 2024. These are interim results.

Outcome achievements

Overall target is based on the high case scenario defined in the Life Chances Fund Final Award Offer or Variation Agreements.

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The service provider's comment on this graph:

'DN2 have sought to commission evidence informed services that support children and young people in local authority care and on the edge of care to achieve stability within their planned family-based placement. It has one of the most diverse scopes of the UK child welfare SIBs, with the service simultaneously operating across four main scenarios: transition from residential care to therapeutic foster care; stabilisation of foster placements and avoidance of entry into residential care; reunification from care with birth family / primary carers; and, diversion at the edge of care to remain safely with birth families / primary carers. The service delivery uses a suit of evidence-based and informed systemic interventions that are structured to the circumstances of each of the four scenarios, and within this tailored to the needs of each child and carer/parent.

The main outcome, and only payment outcome for each of the four cohorts, is placement stability. This is based on the number of weeks in the planned family-based placement. The interventions' impact on developing the resilience and the child and the carer / parent is captured through the distance travelled on the Outcomes Star framework - My Star for the children and young people and Family Star Plus for the carers / parents. The "number" of outcomes achieved for individual outcome metric represents "number of weeks in placement" for this project.'

Outcome payments

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The service provider's comment on this graph:

'The impact of the COVID 19 pandemic has had a knock on effect for the foster carer community, with lack of availability and capacity being widely acknowledged and referrals for children and young people stepping down from residential care is therefore lower than planned. As we are only coming to the end of year 3 of our SIB model, DN2 haven’t as yet come to a decision as to the future of the programme post the SIB contract.'

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