The £80m Life Chances Fund (LCF) was launched in July 2016 with the objective of tackling entrenched social issues and helping those people in society who face the most significant barriers to leading happy and productive lives.
The fund is structured around six key themes: drug and alcohol dependency, children’s services, early years, young people, older people’s services, and healthy lives. The LCF is managed by Big Lottery Fund on behalf of DCMS.
This page includes the latest news and announcements from government relating to the Life Chances Fund.
Development grants
LCF Development Grants fund specialist technical support including research, work on savings and outcomes, service design and engagement with primarily potential providers and service users. The workbook below contains press summaries of grants awarded under all three rounds of the Life Chances Fund to develop Social Impact Bonds that improve outcomes for children in or on the edge of care; people affected by drugs and alcohol abuse; children (0-5 years) and young people (11-24 years); older people; people looking to lead healthier lives; and a number of innovative proposals outside these six policy areas.
The workbook below contains summaries of projects awarded funding under the first round of the Life Chances Fund. Round One funding has been allocated for projects seeking to develop Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) that combat drug and alcohol dependency and support children in care.