Calculations are based on the variable "Total Investment Commitment - Exact Amount in USD". When projects have minimum and maximum values (instead of exact amount of investment commitment), we include minimum values in the overall sum.
The investment figure is based on available data from 199 projects.
Service users
Service users
Average duration
50 months
(4.2 years)
The service user figure is based on available data from 200 projects. 37 projects have data on actual number of service users, 163 projects have data on target number of service users and 27 projects do not have data on service users.
The average duration of service delivery is based on available data from 220 projects.
Stage of development of impact bonds
Global impact bonds by policy area
Leading impact bond countries
(by number of impact bonds)
Impact bond landscape in the UK
UK total
Impact Bonds
> 74.9 m
Capital raised
When projects have minimum and maximum values (instead of exact amount of investment commitment), we include minimum values in the overall sum.
This figure is based on available data from 76 projects.
Stage of development of impact bonds in the UK
Service users
> 110, 813
Service users
Average duration
52 months
(4.3 years)
23 projects reported data on actual number of engaged service users, 58 projects reported data of target number of engaged service users and 8 projects did not report data on service users.
The average duration of service delivery is based on available data from 88 projects.
The number of service users is a combination of two values. Completed projects have data on the actual number of service users and ongoing projects have data on target number of service users. If we have data on actual numbers, we will use them. If the project only has data for targets, we will use target numbers. This calculation is based on the variables "Service and beneficiaries - Targeted number of unique service users or beneficiaries" and "Service and beneficiaries - Actual number of unique service users or beneficiaries". In future we propose to report on these figures separately.
Capital raised
The final figure of capital raised is based on the variables "Total Investment Commitment - Exact Amount in USD" (for the global landscape) and "Total Investment Commitment - Exact Amount in relevant currency" (for the UK landscape). This figure is calculated using only data that are publicly available.