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Social Outcomes Conference 2024

SOC24 programme

Why not join us for our annual pre-conference Pub Quiz if you are attending the conference in person. This is the perfect chance to have a taste of our well-loved British pub culture and what could be more 'Oxford' than doing a quiz for fun! Whether you've been before or it's your first time, this is a great chance to meet (& compete with) fellow attendees & our GO Lab team. All are welcome! The Pub Quiz will be at 7pm Wednesday 4th of September at the Oxford Retreat. Sign up for the Pub Quiz here!

We are able to offer a small number of free in-person tickets to UK public sector officials thanks to our partnership with the UK Government. Requests for these free tickets will need to include information on why the person wishes to attend the conference in person, and how attendance will benefit them and their them. This should be sent to

Photography and Video

All sessions of the Social Outcomes Conference that are streamed online are recorded and recordings will be distributed online after the session. Please be aware that by joining the session online, you consent to these conditions.

For in-person attendees, there will be photographers taking pictures and filming during both days of the conference. You may ask the photographer not to take your picture if you would prefer not to be photographed. You can also write to about this and we will help you.

This may also be an issue as individuals take photos with their camera phones for social media purposes. Please speak up if you have concerns. Finally, if you would prefer not to be filmed by the videographer, you can do one or both of these things: sit at the conference in a place where the video camera is pointing at your back, and/or sit in the seats near the video camera so that it will not capture your image.

SOC24 Day 1 Slides

SOC24 Day 2 Slides

Inamori Forum

Registration opens

In-person participants will be able to register at the reception of the Blavatnik School of Government and enjoy tea, coffee and pastries with other in-person attendees and speakers.

Welcome to the Social Outcomes Conference 2024

Lecture Theatre I

The Government Outcomes Lab's leadership team will welcome online and in-person participants to this year's conference.

Find a recording of the event here.

Keynote Discussion by Professor Tina Nabatchi

Lecture Theatre I

We are delighted that this year's keynote address will be offered by Tina Nabatchi, Joseph A. Strasser Endowed Professor in Public Administration and Director of the Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration at the Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs, Syracuse University. She will draw on her decades of research on citizen participation, collaborative governance, conflict resolution and challenges in public administration to explore this year's conference theme of accountability, transparency & trust in cross-sector partnerships.

The keynote address titled "Of Clocks and Clouds: Addressing Public Problems in the 21st Century" will be followed by a panel discussion.

Find a recording of the event here.

Deep Dive 1.1 Strengthening partnerships for collaborative learning in outcomes-based financing for education projects

Lecture Theatre I

Outcomes-based financing (OBF) is emerging as an innovative financing approach in education aimed at enhancing effectiveness, accountability, and transparency in education programming. This panel discusses the critical role of collaborative learning amongst diverse actors in examining the opportunities and challenges of implementing OBF within the education sector.

Building strong partnerships among researchers, service providers, investors, and funders to engage in a collaborative learning process is an important avenue to enhance the global knowledge base on the complexities, challenges, and success of using OBF. Learning partnerships that foster open communication, trust, and collective meaning-making have the potential to better understand whether, how, and under what conditions the OBF approach is beneficial to improving education outcomes.

Featuring a diverse panel of researchers, service providers, investors, funders, and intermediaries, this discussion offers a comprehensive exploration of how diverse interests converge to provide equitable, inclusive, and quality education to all. Each panellist brings a unique perspective, enriching the discourse with their experiences and insights. The discussion will delve into the significant value that learning and research partnerships bring, the various models of engagement, the obstacles they face, and strategies to overcome these challenges. Furthermore, the discussion will focus on strengthening collaborative learning between different actors to benefit the global education community with a transparent knowledge repository on reflections and lessons learned on the use of OBF in education. The insights shared in the panel should be invaluable for stakeholders either considering OBF or who are already implementing education projects using OBF.

Find a recording of the event here.


The Royal Shakespeare Company's Outcomes Framework

In 2024, the Royal Shakespeare Company launched the findings from its Paul Hamlyn Foundation-funded research project, Time to Act. The project’s randomised controlled trial measured the impact of RSC teaching …

Outcomes-Based Finance in Early Childhood Care and Education: Reflections and Opportunities

The Education Outcomes Fund (EOF) is pioneering the use of outcomes funds for early childhood care and education (ECCE). Over the past two years, we have cultivated multi-stakeholder partnerships and …

Research Collaborations on Outcome Based Financing in Education

The emerging outcome-based financing models in education have challenged education researchers to examine their influence on effectiveness, efficiency, and equitable provision in achieving the personal and societal aims of education …

Pioneering Social Impact through Outcomes Based Finance

UBS Optimus Foundation has been engaged with Outcomes Based Finance (OBF) since 2015 when we participated in the Educate Girls Development Impact Bond in India. UBS Optimus Foundation has since …

Language and Learning Foundation (LLF)

Language and Learning Foundation (LLF) is a system-focused and impact-driven organization dedicated to improving foundational learning of children in early childhood education and primary schools. We collaborate with state governments …

Deep Dive 1.2 Thinking big, thinking little: partnerships for climate and environmental impact at multiple scales

Tun Razak Lecture Theatre

Climate change and environmental degradation present challenges on a global scale. The need to increase funding for environmental programmes and to maximise the impact of that funding, requires cross-sector coordination among states, international organisations, and the private sector. At the same time, environmental policy must adapt to specific places, their communities and contextual characteristics. The voices of citizens, civil society groups, and local co-creation become requirements for policy sustainability. This session will explore cross-sector partnerships for environment and climate policy at multiple scales. Key themes include: Global climate finance and the impact of investment; varying definitions and metrics for results; stakeholder engagement and co-creation of ‘green’ solutions; governance and administration to support multi-scale partnerships.

Find a recording of the event here.


Paying for climate results – tackling the climate crisis with Results-Based Climate Finance

While climate finance is growing rapidly, it falls far short of the $3-6 trillion annual needs estimated by the World Bank to mitigate climate change impacts. It is thus critical …

Modeling Community Accountability beyond Insider Stakeholder Silos: Capturing Public Voice in Developing Policy for a Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Economy

The United States seeks to have a net zero greenhouse gas economy by 2050. Citizens as well as scientists, special interest groups including environmental justice groups are not afforded the …

Governance factors driving the co-creation of green solutions in different administrative systems

Sustainable development challenges include issues such as the consequences of climate change, inequalities in access to health and education, integration of immigrants and refugees, and several others which embody the …

Deep Dive 1.3 Benefits and challenges to outcome-based financing for health

Seminar Rooms 1 & 2

In this session, we will take global stock of the landscape of outcome-based investments in health. We will then explore the experience of the benefits and challenges in this field, as well as the tried-and-true solutions to mitigate risks. This will be informed by international case studies in Europe, Australia, UK, and Netherlands. We will investigate key questions which have relevancy for any stakeholder interested in the area of health.

Key questions:

  • What are the barriers to investing in health outcomes?
  • What is the value-add of new funding types for achieving better health outcomes?
  • How can we overcome the risks perceived by different actors in investing in health at the system-level?

Find a recording of the event here.


Understanding views on value based mental healthcare payment reform in a complex healthcare system. The Australian experience.

Objectives: Many developed countries have fragmented mental healthcare systems that are costly and don't align well with patient preferences. To improve integration of care, insurers are exploring new payment methods …

Smart Capacitating Investments: Lessons learned from outcomes-based financing schemes

While the importance of long-term investment in prevention and health promotion has been at the forefront of policy discussions for decades, the actual level of investment in this area still …

Monitoring en action performance management during the HIB Standing Strong

In North Limburg (the Netherlands) 7 municipalities, 2 health insurers teamed up to pay for outcome with the health impact bond standing strong. The programme, worth €2,8 million, is funded …

Deep Dive 1.4 Beyond impact bonds: exploring new (and not-so-new) uses of outcomes-based contracting and impact investing

Lecture Theatre I

This session will explore innovative ways of working with outcomes-based contracts and impact investing. From the first impact bond lunched in 2010, many lessons have been learned and new tools developed to that builds and expand an outcomes mindset. In this session we will delve into a number of growth paths for the outcomes mindset, from the creation of an outcomes marketplace, to developing microbonds, to creating repositories and capacity-building tools for a broader portfolio of approaches that may be more appropriate in different contexts.

Find a recording of the event here.


Exploring the next generation of outcomes-based financing models

KOIS and Tiko are partnering to develop a new flexible and replicable financing model to fund the scale up of Tiko’s activities in its mature markets. To this end, we …

Pull finance for innovation and impact

The Village Enterprise Development Impact Bond spurred iteration to ensure success. While the project met and exceeded performance targets, the question arises: How can we foster innovation that transcends mere …

Smart capacitating investments: lessons learned from outcomes-based financing schemes

While the importance of long-term investment in prevention and health promotion has been at the forefront of policy discussions for decades, the actual level of investment in this area still …

Implementing “Partnership Defined Quality” (PDQ) Methodology to Build Social Accountability for Health Service Performances in Somalia: A Pre-Post Study Design

Background: In many fragile contexts like Somalia, the coverage of essential health services is low. Different social accountability approaches were tested to address these challenges. Partnership Defined Quality (PDQ) is …

Shifting the public spending mindset towards an institutional framework for social outcomes

In Colombia, addressing the lack of measurement in government-implemented social programs has long been a challenge, impeding the assessment of their cost-effectiveness and transparent use of public resources. However, since …

Deep Dive 1.5 Reaching marginalised communities and enhancing inclusion in outcomes-based service provision

Tun Razak Lecture Theatre

Outcomes contracts are designed around measurable impact. This session asks ‘measurable impact for whom?’, and explores the difficulties of providing beneficial services for vulnerable and marginalised people. From programmes for disabled children, to refugees, to survivors of domestic abuse, we will critically reflect on initiatives to include and support vulnerable communities within outcomes contracts. Key themes include: incentives to enhance inclusion; trust and sensitivity between providers and service users; developing community-centric definitions of outcomes and impact.

Find a recording of the event here.


Using outcomes-based contracting to support refugees in England- Learnings from service delivery and practice

The Refugee Transitions Outcomes Fund (RTOF) was a cross-Government initiative led by the Home Office, running from 2022 to 2024. The RTOF piloted new place-based approaches to supporting people with …

Advancing the Economic Wellbeing of Women Facing Disadvantage through Cross-Sector Partnerships

The NSW Government, through the Department of Education (DoE) and Office of Social Impact Investment (OSII), has partnered with five job-focused social enterprises to advance the economic wellbeing of women …

Transforming Beneficiary Dependency into Autonomy: A Culturally Sensitive Approach to DIB-funded poverty alleviation in Kenya

This on-going thesis investigates how a culturally sensitive, community-based savings model can be developed for the ultra-poor in poverty alleviation interventions. The research context is a DIB funded BRAC graduation …

Inclusion in OBF Puzzle

This presentation will explore the puzzle of how an outcomes fund can be harnessed to support inclusive outcomes for all. In many contexts, including sub-Saharan Africa, disability inclusion in early …

Deep Dive 1.6 Revolutionary, responsible, and responsive relationalism in public procurement

Seminar Rooms 1 & 2

This session will delve into the public procurement professional's role in relational public contracting for innovation, sustainability and VCSEs. By exploring the intricate relationship between procurement practices and relational contracting, we will highlight how professionals might drive social value through collaborative and responsible partnerships.

Find a recording of the event here.


Sustainable procurement at local government level in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

The Czech Republic and Slovakia are the countries with the lowest share of green procurement in the European Union. At the same time, these two countries are among the most …

The “Rule of Two” and Federal Contract Set-Asides: The Effect of Kingdomware vs. U.S. on Equity in Contracting

Public procurement is often used to invest in small and disadvantaged businesses (SDBs), both to help such firms grow and to advance marginalized communities. In the U.S., the federal government …

The Interplay of Discretion and Complexity in Public Contracting and Renegotiations

Governments and private partners often face unforeseen contingencies that make contract renegotiations unavoidable. This study leverages data from the Tender Electronic Daily eProcurement platform—based on European Union (EU) public procurement …

Embedding social value in procurement

There is increasing expectation for public procurement to deliver positive outcomes for society and the communities which public bodies serve. This emphasis on social value is not a new concept, …

Intangible cultural heritage in public procurement: challenges, opportunities and the role of storytelling


Intangible cultural heritage is often neglected in public procurement, but its inclusion can contribute to ensuring that local and cultural practices, expressions, knowledge, skills and traditions, …

Big Picture: Restoring trust in the public sector through outcome-based partnerships: transparency, relationality and adaptation

Lecture Theatre I

This year over half of the world’s population are heading to the polls for elections, yet governments are facing a crisis of confidence from their citizens. Restoring this trust requires governments to deliver results against a backdrop of what is being dubbed a ‘permacrisis’. What can be done to restore faith in the public sector? And what wider lessons might we learn from outcomes-based contracting to build and renew public sector capabilities, collaboration, and culture?

In this session, we will lift our gaze to these broader issues and ask:

  • How can an outcomes-focus strengthen government capabilities through value for money and ensured impact of policies such as children's care, health, and homelessness?
  • How might government meaningfully collaborate with other sectors to improve the delivery of public services?
  • How might public services be strengthened with preventative spending, enabled through an outcomes-focus?

You can view the session recording here.

Inamori Forum

The evolution of social outcomes partnerships in the UK: Distilling fifteen years of experience from Peterborough to Kirklees

The evolution of social outcomes partnerships in the UK: Distilling fifteen years of experience from Peterborough to Kirklees

Perspectives from across academia, policy and practice

Nearly fifteen years since the world’s first social impact bond was launched at HMP Peterborough in England, the impact bond model has been stretched and flexed to fund a growing array of social programmes across health, employment, education, social care and many more. Alongside this adaptation, we have also seen a shift in how this funding model is used and understood.

Yet for many beyond the immediate community working on these cutting-edge partnership projects, social impact bonds still equal the Peterborough SIB. This means that the understanding of the practice, potential and proof of impact of these innovative approaches remains fragmented and partial. Significant opportunities for public sector reform and systemic change will be missed as long as a fog of baffling terminology and mis-interpretation clouds how we see the role of outcomes and effective cross-sector in tackling the acute public services crisis the country faces.

This report brings together perspectives from across academia, policy and practice to take stock of UK’s experience with impact bonds over the past 15 years, to help inform and inspire best practice across the globe.

Oxford landmarks morning run

Stay active during the conference and discover some of Oxford's most iconic landmarks by joining us on an easy morning run. We will be starting the run at the Radcliffe Camera, in the very heart of Oxford.

Inamori Forum

Registration opens

In-person participants will be able to register at the reception of the Blavatnik School of Government building before joining our Croissants and Collaborations for tea, coffee and pastries with other in-person attendees and speakers.

With our brand new 'Croissants & Collaborations', we're giving power to our communities by inviting them to lead informal sessions on topics of shared interest. These informal, thematic chats are for in-person participants over breakfast and a hot drink. These are a great opportunity for networking and to exchange ideas.

Making mission-based government a reality: relational contracting to achieve outcomes across organisational boundaries

Achieving outcomes requires different agencies and organisations to work together around aligned missions. Research suggests adopting a more relational approach to contracting and partnerships is critical to true collaboration. In this interactive session, we'll be sharing GO Lab and Public Digital's initial work on co-creating a framework to guide commissioners in establishing a relational contracting approach for complex outcomes-based services, and looking for people to share their experiences and insights as we iterate it together and test it in real-world commissioning challenges.

Hosted by Public Digital

Solving global issues in women’s health with partnerships

In this session, we will take stock of women’s health. A new report from World Economic Forum found that every $1 invested in women’s health unlocks $3 in economic growth globally. In this breakfast, we will look at the experience of different partnership arrangements to catalyse at scale women’s health programs. This will be informed by international case studies that have had success at improving reproductive health, gender equity, and maternal health literacy. We will assess three key questions:

  • Can we align common goals and different actors in the field to work together using partnership?
  • Can we use innovative funding or new governance arrangements to put women’s health at the forefront?
  • What are the barriers and evidence-gaps to investing in women’s health?

Join online here: Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 339 135 905 129

Passcode: LgSuj8

Navigating the Academic Journey: Discussing the Challenges & Advice for Early Career researchers (PhD)

Join us for an informal session focused on the unique challenges faced by early career researchers. This open discussion is designed to offer practical advice, peer support, and insights into navigating the early stages of a research career. Whether you're tackling your PhD or transitioning into postdoctoral work, this session provides a relaxed environment to connect with others, share experiences, and gather tips to help you succeed in your academic journey.

More than a game: designing football for greater social impact

The benefits of practicing sport regularly are well understood and accepted. There is strong evidence pertaining to health and educational outcomes for participants, as well as improved social cohesion and well-being for communities and volunteers. Since 2017, UEFA has been quantifying the benefits in financial terms to strengthen the business case for government investment in recreational football. This has led to the development of Social Outcome Partnerships between football clubs, government and social investors.

In this breakfast we will discuss

a) How local sports organisations can design for greater impact, using outcomes based innovative finance models.

b) Whether frameworks such as CSRD/ESG reporting provide new opportunities for investing in sport for development (purposeship, outcome payments).

c) The case for blending public and private investment in sport so that better finance is linked to better outcomes.

Assessing progress and outcomes in outcomes-based partnerships

Outcomes-based contracts have a strong focus on the measurement of pre-agreed outcomes. Learning and transparency efforts usually put their attention on the final outcomes (or long-term outcomes) achieved by projects. However, we know little about the processes that projects put in practice to achieve those final results.

What is the role of intermediate (or short-term) outcomes in outcomes-based contracts?

How can we measure those achievements that are not long-term outcomes agreed in a contract, but still relevant intermediate outcomes for the beneficiaries?

What do intermediate outcomes tell us about the complexity of the context in which they operate? How can we capture learning through the process?

Come and join us for a breakfast session where we will discuss ideas for assessing progress and intermediate and final outcomes from a contribution perspective.

Transforming Social Service Delivery through AI-Driven Innovation

Participants will explore the cutting-edge innovations in AI that are transforming the landscape of social service delivery. This session will highlight the potential of AI to revolutionise service provision, and discuss an example of how these innovations can be implemented effectively within organisations.

Interested in finding out how Beam is helping to change the face of frontline delivery across social care? Join our breakfast session to find out more and join the conversation.

Deep Dive 2.1 Exploring outcomes funds: Evidence & lessons learnt from around the world

Lecture Theatre 1

This session will feature a deep exploration of the latest practice and evidence around the use of outcomes funds. To date over 20 outcomes funds have been launched and implemented, spanning diverse countries and policy areas of focus. What is the state of play globally with outcomes funds? Where are new funds being developed? What can we learn from the practice to date about how to design and implement outcomes funds effectively?

Find a recording of the event here.


Governance structure in Outcomes-Based Financing: The role of the intermediary

This presentation delves into the governance structure of outcomes-based financing (OBF) programs involving various stakeholders, such as impact bonds and outcomes funds. Drawing on insights from the Sierra Leone Innovation …

Exploring Outcomes Funds: Benefits, Challenges, and the Path Forward

Outcomes funds were identified as early as 2018 in the first meeting of the Impact Bond Working Group as a promising OBF structure. Since then, the landscape has evolved significantly, …

Deep Dive 2.2 Cross-sector services in fragile settings: crisis, collaboration, and results

Tun Razak Lecture Theatre

Stability and social cohesion are the foundations of improved social outcomes. It is therefore little surprise that populations affected by violence and displacement often have weak services and poor outcomes. While aid to fragile and conflict-affected states has increased, the success of development spending in these contexts remains questionable. There is an urgent need to better understand factors that would constitute more effective support for vulnerable populations.

This session explores the theory and practice of cross-sector collaboration in fragile contexts. Key themes include: results-based partnerships; trust and inclusion; accountability and transparency.

Find a recording of the event here.


Displacement Practice: Lessons learned from implementing results-based approaches to transform how services are delivered to improve outcomes for refugees and migrants.

For the last two years, Instiglio, with the support of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, has been implementing the Forced Displacement Practice Initiative. We work with government agencies and service …

Impact before Instruments: making innovative finance work in fragile situations

Working in fragile contexts is challenging:  Needs are immense, risks are multi-layered and resources – with the exception of a few high-profile situations – limited.  There is often no government-led …

The Haiti Outcomes for Change Fund

Deep Dive 2.3 Data into evidence, and evidence into practice: putting data at the centre of decision-making

Seminar Rooms 1 & 2

This session will showcase a number of initiatives where data on outcomes plays a key role in shaping decisions. Producing and using data on outcome metrics, targets and achievements takes time and effort. In this session, we will discuss what are the metrics and indexes that are used the most, how they feed further decision-making processes and the trade-offs that happen when data is transformed into action.

Find a recording of the event here.


Towards a 100 year vision for wellbeing: The Cook Islands experience

A Cook Islands approach towards defining and improving turanga memeitaki (wellbeing) for all through our ‘Akapapa’anga (genealogical world view).

The Cook Islands National Sustainable Development Plan 2016-2020 (Cook Islands Government, …

Transforming evidence into action: insights from evaluating the Skill Impact Bond

Skill Impact Bond (2021-2025) is a pioneering results-based financing (RBF) programme, which seeks to improve employability and livelihoods for India’s youth – particularly young women. The largest development impact bond …

Practical tips for funders, investors and SMEs to link innovative finance to social outcomes

Global resources and interest in both outcomes-based financing and impact investing have surged in recent years, and there is an impetus to deepen and widen impact whilst balancing dynamics in …

Using a Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) to inform poverty reduction policies

Since 2008, over 40 countries have implemented national Multidimensional Poverty Indices as official statistics to monitor poverty in all its forms. In addition, the index is being used by various …

From Data to Impact: Harnessing Real-Time Data Transparency to Create Trust and Accountability Through a Development Impact Bond in Kenya

Tiko, a tech-driven African non-profit organisation, will showcase the transformative power of transparent, real-time data within the context of Development Impact Bonds (DIBs), specifically focusing on their efficacy in innovative …

Connecting data with practice to reach better decisions and outcomes

In collaboration with local authorities and county administration boards we are exploring data-driven practices to better address risk and protective factors concerning health and wellbeing for children and adolescents. The …

Lessons using data to build trust from the implementation of the Skill Impact Bond

India has a history of strained trust and transparency among civil society, government, and the private sector. Instances of fraud and poor outcomes have plagued development programs. At the same …

Seminar Rooms 1 & 2

Academic paper workshop

We are delighted to be hosting an academic paper workshop for the first time at the Social Outcomes Conference. This will be an interactive session, providing an opportunity to gather with peers and workshop your academic paper.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Michael Gibson.

Learning from the Life Chances Fund projects: impact & ways forward

Lecture Theatre 1

In this practice-focused session we will dive deep into the experience of some of the social outcomes partnership projects supported through the Life Chances Fund. We will look at projects across different policy areas to explore impact, success factors as well as implementation challenges. We will also reflect together on the projects’ sustainability plans and legacy.

The Life Chances Fund (LCF) is a pioneering £70m programme, launched by the UK Government in 2016. It supports 29 locally-commissioned projects focussed on supporting vulnerable individuals, and it is underpinned by an ambitious and innovative data and evaluation agenda. Find out more about the impact of the Life Chances Fund through this video.

Find a recording of the event here.


It's not what you do, it's the way that you do it: style over substance in cross sectoral partnerships

The imperative for robust multi-stakeholder partnerships has emerged as a cornerstone for initiating meaningful social change. The Skill Mill Social Outcomes Partnership (SOP), a model borne from a statutory, multi-disciplinary …

Supporting sustainable reunification of children and young people in Norfolk: Lessons and learnings from Stronger Families in balancing trust-based partnership with focus, support and accountability

The Stronger Families partnership will host a conversation, considering relationship development within the partnership and the role this has had in creating supportive systems for programme delivery and adaptations to …

Social impact poster gallery

We recognise that there is so much exciting and meaningful work which can’t be fit into the discussion panels. This is why we are hosting a social impact poster gallery where participants are invited to showcase evidence and insights from pioneering work.

The posters will be on display physically in the Inamori Forum at the Blavatnik School and virtually on the SOC24 webpage. They will be displayed both virtually and physically so that all attendees, both online and in-person, can view the posters.

Deep Dive 2.4 Disrupting the narrative: global perspectives to inspire leading outcomes practice

Lecture Theatre I

Join us for this session where we'll explore pioneering initiatives in social outcomes partnerships worldwide. Hear from experts representing diverse regions including the Middle East, Latin America, Africa, and Asia, offering invaluable insights beyond conventional Western paradigms. Gain fresh perspectives and innovative strategies to drive impactful change in social outcomes initiatives.

Find a recording of the event here.


Building Bridges: Partnering for Inclusive Sustainability Governance and Mandatory Self-Governance in the Global South

In the evolving discourse on corporate responsibility and sustainability, the concept of Mandatory Self-Regulation (MSR) emerges as a critical framework for ensuring that partnerships deliver tangible benefits to marginalised communities. …

The First Social Outcomes Contract in Türkiye

Istanbul Kodluyor is the first Social Impact Bond in Türkiye, launched in August 2023 by the government in Turkiye. The programme is targeted to support 600 long-term unemployed young people …

Outcomes oriented practice in social services- The Israeli case

More than ever before, changes in welfare services in Israel and worldwide require us to continually examine the implementation of interventions and their suitability for their purposes. These professional, normative …

Deep Dive 2.5 Empowering voices, bridging gaps: innovative approaches to locally-led development and cross-sector collaboration

Tun Razak Lecture Theatre

This session will explore innovative strategies that empower local communities, engage service users and vulnerable groups, and enhance cross-sector collaborations for sustainable development and social impact.

Find a recording of the event here.


Privilege and freedom: obstacles to engaging vulnerable communities in tackling grand challenges.

Tackling grand challenges requires working with, for, and across vulnerable communities. While scholarly work has outlined the types and roles of communities in driving positive social change, we lack empirical …

Outcomes based approaches to locally-led development: insights from the Educate Girls Maitri Programme.

Locally led development recognises the importance of involving the people and communities affected by development and humanitarian challenges in designing and delivering solutions. Ensuring that local people and organisations can …

Amplifying Not-for-Profits’ Voices in Outcomes-Based Contracting in India.

In the landscape of outcomes-based contracting, the voices of not-for-profits play a crucial role in effective project implementation and driving social change. Present-day private financing is predominantly donor-driven, limiting scalability …

Governing for success: managing collaborative outcomes projects.

Two recent outcomes-driven collaborations in Australia have shown the critical nature and the value of strong governance and accountability systems to establishing strong, viable trust-led outcomes-based partnerships.

In the first …

At the Speed of Trust: Cross-sector Collaborations to Center Community Voice in Research and Practice.

We present two case studies of cross-sector partnerships, which include nonprofit organizations, local government, and academic institutions to highlight the potential of community driven research and impact, which engages community …

A different voice - KBOP participant perspectives and stories of transformation: Findings from a peer-led research project

As part of the multi-year study of the Kirklees Better Outcomes Partnership (KBOP) SIB peer-researchers investigated service participants’ experiences. The KBOP SIB is a housing support service for vulnerable adults, …

Deep Dive 2.6 The public sector in relational contracting: contracting by the People, for the People

Seminar Rooms 1 & 2

At SOC23, we examined the potential for formal relational contracting to support more effective contracting when the public sector seeks to source complex services from private providers. In this SOC24 session, we'll instead focus on the role of the public sector in formal relational contracts, examining (1) the particular challenges posed by the involvement of a public actor in the contract (e.g. public accountability, political pressure etc.) and (2) the public sector capabilities needed to overcome these challenges.

Find a recording of the event here.


Contracting for Outcomes: Perspectives from the Field

Drawing from WorldCC research and market engagement plus an up-coming report on public sector outsourcing (Justice working party), the presentation will offer insight to the challenges of contracting for outcomes. …

Fostering trust-based relationships in a highly opportunistic environment: An economic analysis of administrative disputes in the French water sector

In France, public contracts for the concession or outsourcing of public services to a private provider represent 6% of the national GDP (Institut de la Gestion Déléguée, 2022). For the …

The importance of a rights-based approach to public sector contracting

JUSTICE recently published its latest Working Party report on public sector contracting: ‘Beyond the Blame Game: A responsible and rights-centred approach to government contracting’. The Working Party was chaired …

Big Picture: Beyond pilotitis: rethinking narratives and actions to institutionalise outcomes

Lecture Theatre I

This session will bring together some of the most experienced leaders in the field to ask: how can we move beyond pilots and experimentation to harness the potential of outcomes-based funding for social and environmental change at scale? We will anchor the discussion in three core questions:

- What can we learn from the success but also failure to date in using outcomes-based approaches as a catalytic enabler of a broader transformation of systems to be re-oriented towards delivering impact?

- What are the key structural barriers that prevent mainstream adoption of outcomes-based programmes by the public sector and is a ‘blueprint to scale’ possible?

- Do we need to improve what we deliver, how, and who we build outcome-focused partnerships with, or should we simply adjust our expectations on the pace of change?

Find a recording of the event here.


Unlocking potential: Scaling outcomes-based programmes in government

Through interviews with global experts from government agencies, delivery partners, and investors from across South-East Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa and the Americas our research revealed that obstacles to …

A failure to impress? Why has replicating outcomes funds been (much) slower than we hoped?

The Pioneer Outcomes Funds (POF) programme is the FCDO’s first attempt at using innovative pay-for-success instruments at scale, across a number of outcomes areas, in order to drive better public …

Scaling and institutionalizing results-based financing within aid institutions: lessons, strategies, and next steps from the MCC, The Global Fund, FCDO and the Swiss Development Cooperation

The effectiveness of the global development sector’s spending is constrained by several factors, including aid institutions deploying their funding without strong impact incentives. In response to international agreements such as …

Scaling social impact through innovative finance: lessons learned and perspectives

Reaching the SDGs is not just about spending more money; it is also critically about spending the money we have more effectively. One promising solution is outcomes-based finance (OBF), where …

This is a public talk we are hosting to mark the close of the conference. If you would like to join, register here:

The Mayor will be in conversation with Kathy Hall, Chief Operating Officer of the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford. Their talk will conclude this year’s Social Outcomes Conference – the world’s leading gathering of scholars, government officials and civil society leaders working to improve social outcomes.  For the talk, the Mayor will join us live via video link.

Find a recording of the event here.

Lecture Theatre 1

Power to People and Places: What does it take to deliver social change for a more equal Britain? In Conversation with Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester

Britain is one of the most politically centralised and economically unequal countries in the developed world. Spatial inequalities in the country are profound and persistent. Where a person is born impacts their life chances and outcomes – be it in terms of health, education or employment – throughout their lives. The imperative to build a more equal and fairer country is clear, but what will it take to deliver the change that’s so greatly needed?

In this thought-provoking talk Andy Burnham, the Mayor of Greater Manchester, will build on his decades-long experience in public service to make the case for reform and outline his rallying cry for more power to local places and people. In his talk, the Mayor will touch upon key themes such as devolution, public accountability, civic engagement and the role of strong partnerships at the local level to achieve social change and better social outcomes.

The Mayor will be in conversation with Kathy Hall, Chief Operating Officer of the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford. Their talk will conclude this year’s Social Outcomes Conference – the world’s leading gathering of scholars, government officials and civil society leaders working to improve social outcomes.  For the talk, the Mayor will join us live via video link.

About Andy Burnham

Andy Burnham was first elected as Mayor of Greater Manchester in May 2017, re-elected for a second term in May 2021 and a third term in May 2024.

Responsible for shaping the future of Greater Manchester, Andy’s priorities for his third term include continuing to build a London-style integrated transport system, ending the housing crisis by 2038, offering a new technical education pathway as an alternative to university and creating a new Live Well service, making Greater Manchester a great place to grow up, get on, and grow old.

Before being elected Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy was MP for Leigh from 2001. In government, Andy has held Ministerial positions at the Home Office, Department of Health and the Treasury. In 2008 he became Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, before returning to Health as Secretary of State in 2009.

In opposition, Andy has served as Shadow Education Secretary, Shadow Health Secretary and Shadow Home Secretary.

Andy lives in Leigh, Greater Manchester, with his wife and three children.

He is the co-author, alongside Steve Rotherham, of Head North: A Rallying Cry for a More Equal Britain.

SOC24 Closing celebration gala & remarks

Inamori Forum

A celebratory ending and closing remarks with moments of community, insights, and connection. Join us for drinks, nibbles, music, and reflections for this final celebration in our beautiful venue.

Find a recording of the event here.