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Social Outcomes Conference 2024

A bridge between scholars and practitioners

The Social Outcomes Conference is the annual convening of the world's leading researchers, policymakers and practitioners working to improve social outcomes. The conference will feature discussions on the latest thinking and findings from academic research alongside insights from the emerging practice across different geographies, disciplines and policy areas.

Take a look at our delegate pack

The SOC24 Vision & Theme

In a world grappling with unprecedented challenges and near-constant crisis, collaboration is not a luxury but a necessity. At this year’s Social Outcomes Conference we ask how we can foster collaboration and partnership working in a world of increasing uncertainty. In the face of these adversities, accountability, transparency, and trust become more vital than ever, forming the bedrock of cross-sector partnerships aimed at social change. We ask: how can innovative contracting practices contribute to long-term, trust-based relationships? How can we use data not just to measure impact, but to actively drive improvement and hold partners accountable? How can we ensure that marginalised communities are meaningfully involved, not just consulted, in shaping and implementing solutions?

We will bring together the world’s leading researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to share cutting-edge insights and practical strategies for building partnerships that not only deliver social good, but do so with integrity and efficacy.

Our conference theme is:

“Accountability, transparency, & trust in cross-sector partnerships”

We value diversity and inclusion and are committed to creating a conference where the rich intersection of different voices and backgrounds are prioritised. We encourage involvement from individuals and organisations representing a range of backgrounds spanning ethnic, cultural, geographical, age, and income differences.

For the Social Outcomes Conference we have four guiding principles. These conference principles indicate priorities for SOC24.

  1. Fresh perspectives & innovation: we wish to hear from alternative voices and perspectives – that may disrupt assumptions and bring fresh views. We continue to seek insights from a wider range of voices: from different practice backgrounds, distinct leadership voices, and different national, regional, social, academic, and professional contexts. We are keen to hear about innovations, examples of building on the traditional foundations to create something fresh, and experiments or case studies that have yet to be studied in detail.
  2. Evidence-based: as part of the University of Oxford, we are committed to academic excellence in all our work. For SOC24 this means an expectation for all insights to be grounded in evidence.
  3. Diversity: we value diversity and inclusion and are committed to creating a conference where the rich intersection of different voices and backgrounds are prioritised. We encourage applications from individuals and organisations representing a range of backgrounds spanning ethnic, cultural, geographical, and income differences.
  4. Pragmatic & constructive: we encourage all contributions to bring critical, thoughtful perspectives while balancing this with being constructive – making a positive contribution. We believe in bringing together academia and policy practice – making sure both are helping address and inform the other.

Hybrid conference

We will host the conference in hybrid mode. We will stream all the conference sessions online (Zoom), as well as offering in-person places for those who wish to attend at the Blavatnik School of Government in Oxford. If you want to join us online (free to join), simply register through the same link as buying in-person tickets and we will send you the join-in instructions a few days before the conference. If you wish to attend in person, you will need to purchase a ticket in due course.

Photography and Video

All sessions of the Social Outcomes Conference that are streamed online are recorded and recordings will be distributed online after the session. Please be aware that by joining the session online, you consent to these conditions. For in-person attendees, there will be photographers taking pictures and filming during both days of the conference.

This year's Keynote Speaker

We are delighted to announce that Professor Tina Nabatchi will deliver the Social Outcomes Conference 2024 keynote speech on Thursday 5 September.

As Joseph A. Strasser Endowed Professor in Public Administration and a professor of public administration and international affairs, Professor Tina Nabatchi is based at America's top-ranked school for public affairs, the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. She will draw on her decades of research, including her award-winning work on citizen participation, collaborative governance, conflict resolution and challenges in public administration to explore this year's conference theme of accountability, transparency & trust in cross-sector partnerships. In addition to her academic contributions, Nabatchi has also had significant experience using her work in collaboration with various US Government departments.

With expertise spanning the academic realm and significant applied work in politics and policy, Nabatchi's experience brings together the best of both research and practice, ensuring that this will be a Keynote Speech not to be missed!


Take a look at last year's conference

Have a look at SOC23 to get a feel for what the Social Outcomes Conference looks like. You can also take a look at recordings of previous sessions on our SOC23 Daily Highlights here:

Read our blog reflecting on the Social Outcomes Conference 2023, written by last year's Head of the Conference.