Cassandra Gardiner
Head of Digital Innovation & Change, London Borough of Redbridge
Cassandra is a digital innovation change leader whose work focuses on digital technology built for the end-user. Her experience spans both the public and private sector as well as academia. After working with McKinsey Consultants, in 9 months she delivered the UK’s first end-to-end e-mortgage operational system, servicing 750 IFAs and most major mortgage providers. Her digital tech ecosystem knowledge led to a Global Director post with Cable & Wireless Plc a worldwide ISP and Telecoms provider. Recently she led an academic team developing CrimeTech systems and has secured over £2million to develop innovative technology. Now she is spear-heading the challenge for innovation in the Public Sector specifically calling for new tech to support Adult Social Care securing DLUCH Digital Round 6 funding and is a member of multiple London-based consortiums fronting this work.