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12.30 GMT Welcome (5 mins)
Laura Bonsaver (Government Outcomes Lab)
12.35 GMT Context setting: challenges within education and use of outcomes-based financing in low-income contexts (10 mins)
Emily Gustafsson-Wright (Brookings Institution)
12.45 GMT Delivering education interventions in India- is outcomes-based financing cost effective? (20 mins & 5 min Q&A)
Dayoung Lee and Gagandeep Nanda (Dalberg)
13.10 GMT Panel discussion with policymakers & practitioners (45 mins)
The panel discussion will be moderated by the Government Outcomes Lab and will feature a mix of experts from across different sectors and countries. Discussion will be based on two main themes:
Dayoung Lee and Gagandeep Nanda (Dalberg), Emily Gustafsson-Wright (Brookings Institution), Grace Wood (FCDO, UK Government), Krisha Mathur (British Asian Trust), Mara Airoldi (Government Outcomes Lab, University of Oxford), Milena Castellnou (Education Outcomes Fund)
13.55 GMT Closing remarks (5 mins)
Mara Airoldi (Government Outcomes Lab, University of Oxford)
14.00 GMT Close
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