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Lessons on Outcomes Contracting in Mental Health and Employment

Emily Hulse

Research Associate, Government Outcomes Lab

Emily Hulse is a Research Associate at the Government Outcomes Lab, at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford. She works with the UK government to evaluate the Mental Health and Employment Partnership, outcomes-based financing and impact bonds. She is the project lead for one longitudinal in-depth SIB evaluation and is particularly passionate about innovations that increase funding for health programs.

Prior to Oxford, Emily conducted research as an academic at the Health Economics Unit, Centre for Health Policy and the Nossal Institute for Global Health within the University of Melbourne. She also has experience completing Health Technology Assessments for the Australian Department of Health and PBAC, as well as a consultant for WHO’s Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research. She has also briefly worked for the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences.

Emily has a Bachelor of Biomedical Science from Monash University and a Master of Public Health from the University of Melbourne and is working towards her DPhil in Population Health (Health Economics) at the University of Oxford. Her Master’s thesis was on Social Impact Bonds financing chronic disease programs, which was published in BMJ Global Health. She was awarded a Global Scholars Award in 2018 at the University of Melbourne for academic merit and commitment to global studies. Emily’s work has been published in a variety of high-impact journals including the BMJ Global Health, BMC Public Health, Preventing Chronic Disease, EClinicalMedicine (Part of The Lancet), International Journal for Equity in Health, and International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health in addition to high-level technical reports.

Madeline Goldie

Madeline Goldie

Manager in the Government + Enterprise team, Social Finance

She has supported government partners at central and local levels to build their system thinking skills, to implement new commissioning approaches that drive system transformation, and to embed outcomes-first approaches in service management.

Madeline was previously a fellow with Harvard Kennedy School’s Government Performance Lab, where she supported governments to use data to better understand and improve the child welfare system. She also has experience as an advisor for the Australian Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, where she worked with policy teams across government to develop budget proposals.

Russell Jones_blackandwhite

Russell Jones

Assistant Director, Integrated Commissioning, Southwark Council and SEL ICB

Russell is a senior leader with over a decade of experience working in and for local government and the NHS – predominantly in roles driving health, social care, housing, and community partnerships. He is currently the Assistant Director for Children and Adults Joint Commissioning at the London Borough of Southwark and South East London Integrated Care Board.

Russell started his career as a frontline youth worker and subsequently progressed into operational management and commissioning roles – initially in Children’s services, and subsequently spanning Adult Social Care, Public Health, Health, Education, and Housing.

Prior to his current role, Russell worked for the London Borough of Islington and was a management consultant at PPL, a leading social enterprise and B-Corp, where he most recently led their social care practice.

In addition to his current role, Russell is an accredited Peer for the Local Government Association, supporting its sector-led improvement programme, and he is a career mentor for the local government graduate programme and an NHS equalities mentoring programme.

Russell is passionate about relational, evidence-based commissioning; cross-sector collaboration; and the role of public services in challenging inequalities.

Russell holds an MA (Cantab) from the University of Cambridge.

Shomsia Ali_black and white

Shomsia Ali

Independent Consultant

Shomsia has 20 years of experience in outcomes-based contracting, including direct delivery and management of frontline services as well as designing and commissioning a range of services to be contracted on outcomes. Her experience, starting in the UK, now has a global reach and crosses the public, private and voluntary sectors. Her career has always focused on social inclusion: working with and supporting underserved communities and individuals to realise their potential and human capital. Supporting people experiencing poor mental health has been a running theme throughout her career.

Whilst starting on the frontline, delivering services directly to service users, Shomsia has held senior leadership positions within local government in the UK and a FTSE 100 company.   

More recently, Shomsia spent two years as an Advisor to the Global Fund (AIDS, TB and Malaria), managing a $10 million project across eight low- and middle-income countries, utilising contracting as a tool to deliver greater impact from Global Fund funded programmes. The project she managed introduced to the Global Fund outcomes-contracting modalities in a systematic manner.

Shomsia holds an MA (Oxon) in Modern History from the University of Oxford.