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For this month's session, we explored Europe's strategy on social value, focusing on sustainable public procurement approaches across the continent.
The Procurement of Government Outcomes (POGO) Club is a knowledge sharing initiative that is open to anyone interested in capacity building in public procurement and in collaboration to improve social outcomes. We host monthly calls, maintain a maillist, and share other resources. Participants come from many different disciplines, sectors, and countries. Our chair is Anne Davies, Dean of the Oxford Law Faculty and Professor of Law and Public Policy.
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Listen to the audio recording of the session.
For this month's session, our team and colleagues at Oxford University partnered with the Sorbonne Business School in Paris to host a session on Europe's strategy on social value, focusing on sustainable public procurement approaches across the continent.
We invited Katharina Knapton-Vierlich, head of the Public Procurement unit in the Directorate general for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission who discussed sustainable public procurement in Europe. The session drew on the European Commission's new guide on public procurement.
We were also joined by Mara Airoldi (Director of the Government Outcomes Lab), Willem A. Janssen Janssen (Assistant Professor in Public Economic Law at Utrecht University’s Law School), Carine Starapoli (Professor at the Paris School of Economics) and Karolis Granickas (Senior Program Manager for Europe at Open Contracting Partnership) who offered their expert insights on the topic.
Professor Anne Davies, University of Oxford, and Stéphane Saussier, IAE Paris - Sorbonne Business School, co-chaired the session.
European Commission: Buying Social - a guide to taking account of social considerations in public procurement