Nicole Pflock
Associate Partner, Instiglio
Nicole is an Associate Partner at Instiglio, where she leads the Nairobi office and advises governments, funders, and service providers on the use of outcomes-based funding mechanisms to enhance the effectiveness of programs across various sectors, such as health, education, institutional strengthening, and poverty alleviation. For example, she led the design of a results-based financing scheme to improve the performance of the water and electricity utilities and the regulator in Sierra Leone. Nicole also supported the design of several performance-based intragovernmental transfer systems in Egypt, Sri Lanka, and Peru.
Before joining Instiglio, Nicole worked with Innovations for Poverty Action in Colombia, supporting project development and focusing on a randomized control trial that rigorously tests the impact of introducing flexible features in microfinance loans. Nicole also worked as a consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young, where she focused on the execution of structured evaluations of the risk management system and trading processes of financial institutions.