Professor Oliver James
Professor of Political Science, University of Exeter
Oliver James BA (Oxon); MSc, PhD (LSE, London) is Professor of Political Science at the University of Exeter, UK, focusing on topics in public policy including: citizen-state interaction (especially public accountability to citizens, and public service users’ participation in delivering public services), evaluation of policy outcomes (particularly in local government environmental policy). Publications include: James, et al. (2020). Behavioral public performance: How people make sense of government metrics. Cambridge University Press, and James, O., Jilke, S. R., & Van Ryzin, G. G. (Eds.). (2017). Experiments in public management research: Challenges and contributions. Cambridge University Press. Current projects include: ‘Renewing biodiversity through a people in nature approach’ (NERC funded) and ‘Fiscal Citizenship’ (ESRC funded). He is a member of the ESRC Grant Assessment Panel and at Exeter, he is director of the MSc Public Policy and departmental Director of Global Engagement.