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Engaging voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations and small businesses in public procurement — an international comparative discussion. Why? Why not? How? How not? Is it working?
The Procurement of Government Outcomes (POGO) Club is a knowledge sharing initiative that is open to anyone interested in capacity building in public procurement and in collaboration to improve social outcomes. We host monthly calls, maintain a mailing list, and share other resources. Participants come from many different disciplines, sectors, and countries. Our chair is Anne Davies, Professor of Law and Public Policy.
Interested? Join the mailing list by emailing Ruairi Macdonald. Find us on LinkedIn here.
Listen to the audio recording of the session.
Engaging voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations and small businesses in public procurement — an international comparative discussion. Why? Why not? How? How not? Is it working?
Chaired by Oxford Professor Anne Davies and Crown VCSE Representative, Claire Dove, this online session included insights from a Tussell report on UK VCSEs in Public Procurement and a brisk tour around the world to hear from experts about how different governments engage with VCSEs and small businesses. This was followed by responses and audience Q&A.