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The focus of this month's call was system level learning in a procurement system. We explored questions on how the public procurement system is working at a regional level or national level, who gets to know and what they do with that knowledge.
The Procurement of Government Outcomes (POGO) Club is a knowledge sharing initiative that is open to anyone interested in capacity building in public procurement and in collaboration to improve social outcomes. We host monthly calls, maintain a maillist, and share other resources. Participants come from many different disciplines, sectors, and countries. Our chair is Anne Davies, Dean of the Oxford Law Faculty and Professor of Law and Public Policy.
Interested? Sign up to our new POGO working groups here & join the mailing list by emailing Ruairi Macdonald. Find us on LinkedIn here.
Listen to the audio recording of the session.
The focus of this month's call was on system level learning in a procurement system. The questions explored were: We expect a lot from our public procurement system. How does one know if the public procurement system is working at a regional level or national level? Who gets to know and what do they do with that knowledge?
Please contact Ruairi Macdonald or Leigh Crowley if you have any questions.